Chris Chung's Weebly


Who: 你!!!
What: 新年快樂! 來跟我們玩遊戲!
         Happy Chinese New Year! Come play games with us!
When: 二月八號在, 吃中飯的時候.
         February 8th, during lunch time
Where: 再范老師的教師, 教室的號碼是410.
         In Mrs. Fan's class, room 410
Why: 因為是個新年!
         Because it's Chinese New Year!

Description: 首先, 每一個人要圍在一個圈. 每一個人要鞠躬, 要說一個十二生肖動物. 鞠躬以後, 每一個人輪流做一個動作. 這個遊戲的目標是要打到你旁邊人的手. 如果你被打到的話, 你就輸了. 每一個人都玩到被打到. 如果你是最後的一個人, 你就贏! 來玩吧!
         First, everyone has to get in a circle. Then, everyone has to bow, saying a Chinese Zodiac animal. After you bow, you take turns going around the circle with one movement. This game's goal is to hit someone's hand. If your hand is hit, you are out. The game continues until one person is left that has not been hit yet. That person is the winner! Come play!